Now online: Talks from the Émilie Du Châtelet in Relation to Leibniz and Wolff – Similarities and Differences

You can now watch all talks from the Émilie Du Châtelet in Relation to Leibniz and Wolff – Similarities and Differences conference on our YouTube Channel.

Joe Anderson – Monads, Atoms, and Structural Explanation in Châtelet’s Institutions de physique

Clara Carus – Émilie Du Châtelet’s Principle of Contradiction in Comparison to Leibniz and Wolff

Jan Forsman & Jani Hakkarainen – Du Châtelet’s “On Freedom” as a Response to Wolffian Spontaneity

Aaron Wells – Magnitudes and Relations: Du Châtelet and the Legacy of Leibniz


Find out more about the event here.

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