New Voices – Introducing Pedro Pricladnitzky

Discover the thrilling contributions of our New Voices Members. This week together with Pedro Pricladnitzkly.

Regularly we want to introduce to you the members of the New Voices and highlight some of their accomplishments. New Voices on Women in the History of Philosophy is a group for emerging scholars (in the widest sense) at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. New Voices has the purpose of creating a forum for emerging international scholars who work on women in the history of philosophy. New Voices intends to interconnect and further the work of scholars in the field of Women Philosophers in the History of Philosophy.

In order to connect more researchers with each other, we will point out some work by New Voices Members. This week we are beginning with Pedro Pricladnitzky. His research focuses on seventeenth-century philosophy and is concerned primarily with topics of metaphysics and its intersection with natural philosophy, philosophy of science and philosophy of perception. He is particularly interested in theories of substance, individuation of bodies, scientific reasoning in Descartes and in authors of cartesian influence. Find out more about his research profile here.

In 2022 Pedro presented a talk on The Principle of Individuation in Cavendish’s Metaphysics  at the New Voices Conference 2022. He also spoke on Margaret Cavendish at the IAPh 2021; you can read the according article Mind of Nature: Cavendish’s Argument for Panpsychism in the book Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment, and Gender History

He also published together with Katarina Peixoto and Christine Lopes the Volume Latin American Perspectives on Women Philosophers in Modern History in the Springer Book Series.

As a result of the cooperation between the Federal Universities of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and the University of Paderborn, Dr Katarina Peixoto, Dr Pedro Pricladnitzky and Professor Edgar Marques contributed up to 70 Portuguese translations for the Encyclopedia of Concise Concepts.

New Voices Members please remember that we can always share your work on the New Voices News page as well as our Social Media. If you want to join the New Voices please contact



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