New Research Fellow: Rebeca Montenegro

We warmly welcome Rebeca Montengro as research fellow at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. Find out more about her below:

I am a Brazilian researcher sponsored by PDSE program from CAPES institution, currently doing my PhD in Education in the State University of Ceará (UECE) with a focus on the Edith Stein school of thought. My research focuses on education and business fields, specifically improving teaching practices in universities according to the aforementioned school of thought. My research interests in business contemplate strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing and research methods. From September 2022 to June 2023, I will be a visiting researcher at the HWPS center. During this time, I will focus on projects concerning the philosophy of Edith Stein and phenomenology. During my stay, I will attend phenomenology seminars by Dr. Daniel Neumann and Dr. Henning Peucker.

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