Karen Green on E. E. Constance Jones and Hermann Lotze

5th September 2023, 14h30 at Paderborn University

On the 5th of September 2023, at the University of Paderborn, L-Building, Room L3.204, at 14h30, Karen Green will give a talk on E. E. Constance Jones and Hermann Lotze as part of the International Conference on “Rudolph Hermann Lotze: A Reassessment,” organized by Apl Prof. Nikolay Milkov and Dr. Michele Vagnetti.

Abstract of her talk:

“This paper turns away from the logical developments for which E. E. Constance Jones is best known, in order to examine the context of the translation of Mikrokosmos, that had been begun by Elizabeth Hamilton and that she completed. The paper explores the extent to which Lotze’s views influenced Jones’s more broadly metaphysical and ethical writings, as well as those of her teachers. It is argued that her defense of Sidgwick’s philosophy, which she calls, ‘rational hedonism’ is influenced by her reading of Lotze, and that she sees them both, rightly or wrongly, as engaged in a rather similar enterprise. This raises the question, was Sidgwick in fact influenced by Lotze? It is argued that, rather than being a direct influence, Lotze’s account of ethics shared significant elements with trends already established in Britain and this helps to explain Lotze’s popularity and illuminates the background which resulted in his major works being translated into English during the 1880s.”

The whole conference takes places from September 4th to September 6th. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested, you can register (free of charge) by emailing Dr. Michele Vagnetti at: michelevagnetti90@gmail.com. It is possible to attend the conference either in person or online. You will be asked to indicate in the registration email how you would like to participate. In case of online participation, I will take care of sending the Zoom link to the applicant. Online participation will only be available on Tuesday, September 5th and Wednesday, September 6th.

Registration deadline: Sunday, September 3rd, 18:00 CEST.

Karen Green also devoted an article on E. E. C. Jones and Frege: “On E.E. Constance Jones’s Account of Categorical Propositions and Her Defence of Frege”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2022.  Please also have a look at our EEC, where you can find an entry on E. E. C. Jones and Intension / Extension in Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones (1848–1922), by Gary Ostertag and Jeanne Peijnenburg.


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