On December the 5th at 6pm CET we will have an interview with Christine Lopes, Katarina Peixoto, Pedro Pricladnitzky, editors of the book Latin American Perspectives on Women Philosophers in Modern History. The book was published in July 2022 and is part of the Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences series coordinated and edited by Ruth Hagengruber, Mary Ellen Waithe, Gianni Paganini. Latin American Perspectives on Women Philosophers in Modern History comprises texts from the “First International Conference of Women in Modern Philosophy” that took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June of 2019. The conference was organized by Katarina Peixoto and Pedro Pricladnitzky, and brought together over twenty national, transnational, and international philosophers from seven countries, whose work combines historical and analytical insight to recover the philosophical legacy of women philosophers. The ongoing task of building a standardized body of thought that is neither androcentric nor Eurocentric is immense for all women thinkers worldwide. The difficulties range from the painful scarcity of resources to undertake research, which creates unfortunate competition for support among different forward-thinking schools of women’s philosophical thought, to the current wave of epistemic obscurantism. In Brazil specifically, and in the Latin America more broadly, discussions about canon rewriting and recognition of the contribution of women to the history of philosophy go hand in hand with colonial and slavery history and the ongoing spirit of political conflagration within the universities as an image of society. The impact on the freedom of thought and speech is palpable and often frightening. Latin American Perspectives on Women Philosophers in Modern History is testimony to the enduring power of multinational and multicultural philosophical friendship in the face of open threat to candour of thought and behaviour, which is a pre-requisite of communicable truth and viable communication. Christine, Katarina, and Pedro will talk with us about this and much more.
They will be accompanied by Ulysses Pinheiro and Mitieli Silva, two of the authors in their book. Come and join us!
Zoom Link: https://uni-paderborn-de.zoom.us/j/8317774101?pwd=T1dpdWlvbk51aDY2cnRybldRZTFLZz09
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