What influence did and do women philosophers have on the design of economic processes and economic thinking? One section of the IAPh conference 2021 looks specifically at the marginalization of women and the philosophy of economics.
Wanpu Xu, Hebei Normal University, PR China: “The Change of Chinese Women’s Role from the Perspective of Economic and Social Changes”
Song Jianli, Xiamen University, PR China: “Governance of Anti-poverty from the perspective of sustainable development: Capability-based justice”
Wu Shiu-Ching, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan: “Rethinking Fricker’s Model of Epistemic Recognition: A Case Study Concerning Caring though Li”
Pin-Fei Lu, Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan: “Care for Gender Justice within the family”
Rasleen Kour, Indian Institute of Technology, India: “Reorienting Virtue Ethics through Postphenomenology”
Xiaolin Ma, Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan: “A research on female‘s political participation in China
Prasenjit Biswas, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India: “‘The World as She found it’: Feminized Labour and the Technology of Cocooning”
Lenara Verle, Frankfurt, Germany: “Game as dialogue: a collaborative practice in economy and technology”
Stefania Ferrando, EHESS Paris, France: “Protective legislation for women‘s work and the Concepts of Social Justice in current welfare state”
Rebeca Baceiredo Pérez, independent researcher: “Kinds of economy, social levels and position of gender”
Christine Hauskeller, University of Exeter, UK: “Psychedelics and institutional power – from rebellion to controlled compliance”
Maria Gallego-Ortiz, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia: “Imagining our choices. An approximation of how imagination shape economic choices”