IAPh 2021: Keynote Speaker Cintia Martínez Velasco

Meet our Keynote Speaker Cintia Martínez Velasco who will be speaking on Chisasmic Identities and Femicide in Latin America!

Cintia Marínez Velasco offers classes at the Philosophy Department of National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She was Andrew W. Mellon’s Postdoctoral Fellow in Latin American Critical Theory at Northwestern University (2019-2020). The main topics of her research are the metaphysics of sex and gender, feminist philosophy and decolonial philosophy, and Latin American philosophy, with a particular focus on the work of Enrique Dussel with whom she undertook her doctoral studies. She is part of the Red Mexicana de Mujeres Filósofas. She will give a talk on: Chiasmic Identities and Femicide in Latin America: Reflections from a Decolonial and Marxist-Feminist Perspective.

For more information on our keynotes and our booklet, visit our website.

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