IAPh 2021: Environmental Philosophy and Food Ethics
Environmental philosophy needs a global perspective - our speakers at the IAPh conference 2021 "Defining the Future, Rethinking the Past" are from China, India, Finland, Turkey, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Latvia and more!
Wu Min, Sichuan University, P.R. China: “Doubtful Filial Piety and the Impact of taking Confucianism as Relational Ethics: From the Gendered First person Perspective”
Ishtiaque Ahmed Levin, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India: “Gendering the Anthropocene: The Relevance of Posthuman Eco-feminism”
Shalini Attri, BPS Women´s University, India & Priyanka Singh, Arya Kanya Mahavidhylaya, India: “Earth and Feminist Space: Reading ‘Sultana’s Dream’ as Ecotopia”
Corinna Casi, Helsinki University, Finland: “Sami Indigenous Women and Unequal Opportunities”
Eylem Canaslan, Kirklareli University, Turkey: “Ecological Philosophy Reconsidered: We need a “Vital” Touch!”
Tom Viaene, Sint Lucas School of Arts, Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Belgium: “A politics of collaborative soil care in more than human worlds”
Marta Tafalla, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain: “Why animal ethics needs animal aesthetics”
Gesine Schepers, Bielefeld University, Germany: “Should one take care of nature?”
Dagmar Pichová & Zdeňka Jastrzembská, University of Brno, Czech Republic: “Anna Pammrová: Towards an Ecofeminist Perspective”
Stella Villarmea, University of Oxford, UK: “Capacity and autonomy during labour? Unveiling stereotypes in birth”
Catia Faria, CEPS Braga, Portugal: “Ecofeminism and nonhuman animals: A Xenofeminist critique”
Anne Sauka, University of Latvia, Latvia: “Bodies and the Environment: An Ontogenealogical Approach“”