IAPh 2021: Around the World

We are proud to welcome inspiring philosophers from around the world at the IAPh conference 2021 - see here some of our contributors from Japan, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico and more!

  • Toyomi Iwawaki-Riebel (University of Würzburg, Germany): Yosano Akiko’s Philosophy and Poetry – Modernization of Japan and women’s liberation
  • Demin Xu (University Paris VIII, France): The Role of Rousseau’s Works During the Feminist Movement in China
  • Toros Günes Esgün (Hacettepe University, Turkey): Traces of Beauvoir in a TurkishGerman feminist’s novel: Tante Rosa as ‘the absolute other
  • Gülben Salman (Ankara University, Turkey): Olympe de Gouges and Nezihe Muhiddin: Two women political philosophers in the foundation of the nation-state
  • Maria Alonso Bustamante (University of Cantabria, Spain): Reinventing the Spanish Philosophical Canon at High School: A Feminist Historiographic Methodology
  • Annabelle Bonnet (EHESS Paris, France ): Women and philosophy access in France (1880-1924)
  • Gigliola Mendes (Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil: ‘There is no socialism without feminism’: a theoretical-practical reflection on feminist strategies of Brazilian peasant women to think about a systemic social transformation
  • Tzitzi Janik Rojas Torres (National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico, Mexico): The inclusion of Islamic Feminism in the history of philosophy taught in Mexico, from Vera Yamuni to our days: A decolonial and feminist effort

You can find our program with over 160 speakers from around the world here. To take part in the conference, please follow this link and register on our conference platform.

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