Join us at the IAPh conference from July 18-20, 2021 to discuss women philosophers through history with 11 talks on 19th/20th-century women philosophers. Registration is free and open to all!
Ivory Pribam-Day, Université Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne, France: “Stebbing and Russell on Bergson: Early Analytics on Continental Thought”
Veronika Detel, University of Hamburg, Germany „To ask too much is the way to be denied all“ – Slavery and Strategy in the works of Makin and Mill
Nuria Sara Boronat, University of Barcelona, Spain: “Matriatism. Charlotte Perkins Gilman on women‘s oppression and emancipation”
Rebeca Baceiredo Pérez, independent researcher: “Kinds of economy, social levels and position of gender”
Gabriella Bianco, UNESCO/ University of Toronto, Canada: “Carlo Michelstaedter in dialogue with the 20th century philosophy: Michelstaedter, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Levinas, Simone Weil”
Vuokko Viljanen, University of the Arts, Finland: “The Role of Kinship and Mourning in Judith Butler‘s readings of Antigone and Hegel”
Aleksandra Gomulczak, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland: “Izydora Dąmbska’a Semiotics of Silence in the Feminist Perspective”
Ernesto Baltar, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain: “A bridge between analyticals and continentals: Iris Murdoch s a philosopher and essayist”
Eleanor Lousie Robson, Birkbeck College University London, UK: “Deliminating the ethical domain: Midgley as a supplement to Foot”
Jack Robert Coopey, Durham University, UK: “Dorothy Emmet, The Absolute and Process: Subverting the Analytic dismall of Process”
A. Lorena Fuster Peiro, University of Barcelona, Spain: “Some remarks on vulnerability in the light of a hidden tradition”