FISP 2024 Invited Symposium: Women in the History of Philosophy

3. August 17.00-19.00, Campus Sapienza, Aula Magna: Symposium on Women in the history of philosophy

Chair: Ruth Edith Hagengruber

Thanks to the president of the FISP, Luca Scarantino, and his board. For the first time in the history of FISP, and indeed for the first time in the entire history of FISP, this history of women philosophers is being placed at the centre of attention.

We realise that this is something completely new, at a time when women are still vastly underrepresented in many national philosophical societies and when no effort has yet been made to reconstruct the history of women philosophers at the national level. We are delighted that we can now do this here and together at an international level.

In addition to all the exclusions that have been practised in the history of philosophy and by its actors, sometimes consciously, the exclusion of women philosophers is nothing other than the act of a one-sided sexist practice. However, the history of philosophy of women philosophers is so rich and their knowledge so necessary for this world. It fills all areas of knowledge and it gives us a new idea of seeing philosophy.
It is an honour for me to stand here with these colleagues who have enriched the world of women philosophers. I thank my colleagues Marie Pauline Eboh, Heisook Kim and Mary Ellen Waithe for rewriting this history of women philosophers with me.

17:00-17:30 Marie Pauline Eboh: Unmute Herstory







17:30-18:00 Ruth Hagengruber: 1000 Places in 1 World.  How women philosophers are changing the way we see the world and understand its history.







18:00-18:30 Heisook Kim: Sublimated Revolts against Patriarchal Order: the case of two women intellectuals in the Confucian history of Korea





18:30-19:00 Mary Ellen Waithe: A New Dawn For Philosophy? The Case for En Hedu’Anna of Mesopotamia, 2300 BCE


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