Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize 2023 Laudator: Soledad Alejandra Velázquez Zaragoza

The Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize Ceremony will be held via ZOOM on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 7 PM (UTC+2/ German Time), which is 11 AM (UTC-6/Mexican Time). The Ceremony can be viewed via the following link:


Meeting-ID: 927 2555 7688
Kenncode: 035156

The Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize donated by Ulrike Detmers, is awarded to an outstanding contemporary philosopher in honor of the philosopher Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680).

The Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize is an award that celebrates the long history of women in philosophy. The prize is awarded to an international philosopher for outstanding services to research on women in the history of philosophy. It is the first prize to acknowledge the resarch into the history of women philosophers and and annually awarded in cooporation with the donator by Ruth Edith Hagengruber, director of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists.

Soledad Alejandra Velázquez Zaragoza is giving a laudatio for this years winner of the Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize 2023  Laura Aurora Benítez Grobet. Graduate, Master and PHD in philosophy from the National University of Mexico (UNAM). Career professor at the National Preparatory School (National University of Mexico-UNAM) since 1988 and postgraduate teacher at the Faculties of Philosophy and Letters (FFyL). Her lines of research are the teaching of philosophy and the history of modern philosophy, topics on which she has published numerous articles in national and foreign publications. She has a recently published book: La teoría espacial de Descartes: método y geometría de coordenadas (Faculty of Philosophy, UNAM). She has coordinated the edition of more than 10 collective books in which she has participated as co-author. She has taken part in several research projects, in one of them as sole responsible. She has been co-responsible for the research project in which national and foreign academics participated: “The role of the Hypothesis in knowledge and in natural philosophy, ss. XVII and XVIII” (2020-2022) She was treasurer of the Philosophical Association of Mexico A.C. from 2002 to 2006. She received, among other distinctions, the award for the best doctoral thesis (2003, FFyL-UNAM), the National University Distinction for Young people in the year 1997 in teaching level Higher Secondary Education and the National University Award 2016 in the same area. She is a researcher, member of the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (Conahcyt) National System of Researchers (SNII).

She has participated in numerous research projects on topics about moral philosophy and natural philosophy and philosophical modernity, directed by Dr. Laura Benítez, some of them, Dr Alejandra Velazquez, has been co-responsible for. Likewise, Dr. Benítez has directed the master’s and doctoral theses with Dr. Velazquez as cotutor. For a long and fruitful period, Dr. Laura Benitez has acted as a mentor in the academic development of Dr. Alejandra Velazquez, a relationship that has transcended into the training of numerous national and foreign researchers in the study of Philosophy of  Modernity topics, especially, of Cartesian thought.

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