Dynamics and Reason Workshop One Week Away

9th and 10th February, 2023

We are excited to host this workshop on Du Châtelet and Kant, featuring such scholars as Emily Carson, Silvia De Bianchi Katherine Dunlop, Hartmut Hecht, and Klaus Mainzer–among others.

The full schedule is available here.

The workshop will be conducted primarily in person, in order to facilitate feedback and philosophical discussion. Therefore, we prefer that guests attend in person. To register, please contact Aaron Wells (wells@mail.upb.de). If attending in person is not possible, you may send us a request for remote attendance. To do so, please send an email containing your name, affiliation, and rationale for attending (approximately one paragraph) to wells@mail.upb.de, by noon CET on the 8th of February. We look forward to seeing you!


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