Day 1: Croatia Libori Summer School 2022

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The Croatia Libori Summer School 2022 started today ! We are happy to be here and share some great ideas with students and colleagues. Ruth Hagengruber, Luka Boršić, Chelsea Harry, Núria Sara Miras Boronat, Jil Muller. 








Chelsea Harry held a talk on “What is a Philosopher/PhilosopHER? Thoughts on Expanding the Canon. Back in November 2021 she vistied the Center and participated in the Workshop Space and Time organised by Jil Muller. Find the podcasts from the workshop here.


In the afternoon we had a wonderful talk on “Renaissance women philosophers on the periphery” from Luka Borsic, and closed the first day with a very interesting talk from Robin Wang, “Female Daoist Critique: Cognitive Traps and Embodied Intellectual Virtues”. It was an amzaing first day! We are looking forward to the upcoming talks.

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