Colloquium for Doctoral Students organized by the Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln

Edith-Stein-Archiv zu Köln is organizing a colloquium for doctoral students on the 17th of September. You can now hand in your abstracts! Find out more about how to hand in a paper below!

The colloquium is intended to promote scientific exchange on topics and methods as well as contact between doctoral students. Additionally, the colloquium is aimed at researchers who have already completed their doctorate and are working and researching in these areas. 

The presentation should last between 25-30 minutes. The anticipated discussion time after the presentation is 10 minutes.

To register for the colloquium, please use our registration form ( The registration form with your exposé (min. 300 words) to Dr. Monika Adamczyk-Enriquez (e-mail address: by 22 July 2022.

You will receive a reply about the acceptance of your application by 8 August 2022.

Edith Stein, also known as Sister Teresia Benedicta a Cruce, was an outstanding personality of the twentieth century: philosopher and one of Edmund Husserl’s most famous students. She was a passionate educator and pedagogue, a fighter for women’s rights, a religious sister, and victim of the Holocaust. Elevated by the Catholic Church to the status of saint and patron saint of Europe. These are just a few of the names that can be applied to Edith Stein’s person. The colloquium is therefore intended to take a closer look at the versatility of both her personality as well as her legacy.

Find out more here: Doktorandenkolloquium 2022 Call for Papers

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