This week Clara Carus Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the New Voices at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists will present two talks at the Bar-Ilan University. One will be on Hannah Arendt on Wednesday and one on Emilie du Chatelet on Sunday. Further information are below:
During the Colloquium of The Graduate Program for Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies, Bar-Ilan University Clara Carus will present “Hannah Arendt’s Distinction between Philosophy and Politics” on Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021, 2 PM.
Talk | Clara Carus | 12.12. 6pm Israel Time | BarIlan University, STS Study Department Colloquium | Émilie du Châtelet on the Formation of the Ideas of Space and Time
Émilie du Châtelet took up a unique position within the heated debate on the absolute or relative being of time and space in the Early Modern era. While she agreed with Leibniz that time and space are relative beings, dependent upon the real beings they were abstracted from, she was the first scientist to explain how the notion of absolute space and time comes about and to legitimise the use of the ‘imaginary being’ of absolute space and time without relationship to ‘real beings’ in the sciences. She was the first scientist to offer an epistemological explanation for the relative being of space and time and for the imaginary notion of absolute space and time. Du Châtelet arrives at this epistemological explanation of the concept of space and time through a new method she develops and employs: an analysis of our ideas of space of time, which she also calls an investigation into the formation of the ideas of space and time. In this presentation I will outline Émilie du Châtelet’s unique position within the space/time debate and present her original approach to the topic of their relative or absolute being.
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