Call for Registration: Dynamics and Reason: A workshop Du Châtelet and Kant

Dynamics and Reason: A workshop on Du Châtelet and Kant


There has been a recent surge of scholarly interest in Du Châtelet, but we are far from adequately understanding many dimensions of her work and its influence, especially on Kant. Important conceptual connections between the two thinkers include topics such as space and time, idealism, mathematical objects, the theory of hypotheses, and the nature of imponderable fluids. To remedy this, we are excited to announce a workshop, Dynamics and Reason, on 9 and 10 February 2023. This event, which is organized by Ruth Hagengruber and Aaron Wells, will be the first conference devoted to these two thinkers.

Five excellent international scholars will be invited keynote speakers for the workshop: Emily Carson (McGill University), Silvia De Bianchi (University of Milan), Katherine Dunlop (University of Texas, Austin), Hartmut Hecht (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences), and Klaus Mainzer (Technical University of Munich). The workshop will also feature a number of submitted talks from scholars across Europe and North America.

The workshop will be conducted primarily in person, in order to facilitate feedback and philosophical discussion. Therefore, we prefer that guests attend in person. To register, please contact If attending in person is not possible, you may send us a request for remote attendance. To do so, please send an email containing your name, affiliation, and rationale for attending (approximately one paragraph) to We look forward to seeing you!

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