Call for Proposals: Christine de Pizan and the Querelle de Femmes: Perspectives on the History of Philosophy

Christine de Pizan and the Querelle de Femmes: Perspectives on the History of Philosophy
Call for proposals
November 20th-22th. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil

Keynote speakers:  Karen Green (University of Melbourne), Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen), Christina Van Dyke (Columbia University).
Organizers: Ana Rieger Schmidt (UFRGS), Gislene Vale dos Santos (UFBA), Nastassja Pugliese (UFRJ).

The Congress will propose ‘Christine de Pizan and the querelle de femmes” as a pivotal theme aiming to provoke discussion on Christine de Pizan’s philosophical contribution.
We understand that Christine de Pizan has chief importance for the intellectual history of the Middle Ages and especially for the expansion of the philosophical canon in order to include women authors. Especially, we acknowledge that the attention of historians of philosophy to Pizan’s work is still limited. The conference will consider abstracts covering all aspects of Christine de Pizan philosophical thought and its legacy. Submissions will be accepted in English, French, and Portuguese. Since the conference is international, we strongly suggest all talks to be given in English.

Submissions should contain the title of the presentation, an abstract of about 1500 characters, and the author’s name and affiliation.
Talks will have 30 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of discussion.

Email contact to send submissions:

Deadline for abstract submissions: 15th August 2023
Notifications of acceptance: 31th August 2023

Information about registration and the final program will be available on the conference’s website.

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