CV Jil Muller

Deputy head of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists and Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral fellow, Paderborn, Germany.

French qualification for associate professor, February 2022.

Associate member of the Crephac (Centre de recherches en philosophie allemande et contemporaine, University of Strasbourg/ France) and the PRIN (Early modern Philosophy and Science, University of Piemont/ Italy)


Previous positions:

  • 2021, September – 2022, August: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists: DFG-funded edition project of the “Historical-critical digital edition of the Paris manuscripts of Émilie du Châtelet’s Institutions de physique”.
  • 2017, September ­– 2019, June: Ater (temporary assistant in education and research) and PhD student in philosophy at the University of Strasbourg.
  • 2014, October – 2017, June: contractual PhD student in Philosophy and History of Philosophy at the University of Strasbourg (supervisor: prof. Frédéric de Buzon).


Education and degrees:

  • 09/2019 PhD in History of Philosophy, University of Strasbourg (supervisor: prof. Frédéric de Buzon). Title of dissertation : La question du péché et du mal chez Montaigne et Descartes.
  • 06/2014, Master degree in Philosophy (Master in Humanities and Social Sciences, mention Philosophy), University of Strasbourg (supervisor: prof. Frédéric de Buzon). Title of dissertation: Montaigne et Descartes, Les concepts moraux.
  • 05/2012 Bachelor degree in Philosophy (Bachelor in Humanities and Social Sciences, mention Philosophy), University of Strasbourg, mention « bien ».
  • 2009 High School Diploma at Lycée classique de Diekirch (Luxembourg)


Prizes and Awards

  • Acquisition of Third-party funding for the international, hybrid Conference Women and their Body (15th-17th March 2023)
  • Seal of Excellence from European Commission Horizon Europe (2022) for the Project: DescartesSurgery, “Descartes and Renaissance Surgery: The Mechanical Idea of Human Being”.
  • VivaMente Award 2022 from the Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) Pisa.


Languages skills:

Modern Languages:

  • Luxembourgish (mother tongue)
  • German (excellent)
  • French (excellent)
  • English (fluent)
  • Italian (fluent)

Ancient Languages:

  • Latin (good)
  • Ancient Greek (basic)
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