Jason Maurice Yonover - New Voices Research Profile

I work primarily in the history of philosophy, with a focus on German thought. I am particularly interested in the post-Kantian period and its engagement with the philosophy of Spinoza. Currently, I am pursuing two monograph-length projects. One concerns the central notions of freedom and right in Hegel and Spinoza. The other is on the legacy of early modern naturalism (understood as the view that everything plays by the same rules) in modern German thought from the 18th into the 20th century, with coverage of several women philosophers including especially Karoline von Günderrode as well as Lou Salomé. I am also co-editor of the volume Spinoza in Germany: Political and Religious Thought across the Long Nineteenth Century, forthcoming with Oxford University Press. My research has been published in the European Journal of Philosophy, the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, the Goethe Yearbook, Fichte-Studien, and the Blackwell Companion to Spinoza. I also have publications forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Women Philosophers in the German Tradition and in Nexus: Essays in German Jewish Studies.

Personal website: www.jmyonover.com

Contact: jmy@jhu.edu

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