Fatema Amijee New Voices Research Profile

A primary focus of my work is the Principle of Sufficient Reason (roughly: ‘Everything has an explanation’). The principle was a prime tenet of early modern rationalism, and thus much of my work in the history of early modern philosophy concerns metaphysical themes in Leibniz, Spinoza, Du Châtelet, and other early modern rationalists. I also spend a lot of my time thinking about the Principle of Sufficient Reason as a thesis within contemporary metaphysics. Questions I have investigated include: How should we understand the PSR, in light of recent developments in metaphysics? What is the best argument for the principle? And is a commitment to the PSR consistent with a commitment to a fundamental level of reality?

Personal Website: http://fatemaamijee.weebly.com/

Contact: amijee@ubc.ca


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