FISP: History of Philosophy and the Biopolitical Crisis

CU002 Giurisprudenza, Aula “Francesco Calasso” Rome

2. August 13.00-19.00, CU002 Giurisprudenza, Aula “Francesco Calasso”: Ruth Edith Hagengruber: Biopolitics: Erasing the Voices of Women Philosophers. The talk is part of an invited session hosted by Riccardo Pozzo. In the 1990s, […]

FISP: Adding Voices to the Philosophy Curriculum

CU001 Rettorato, Aula Organi Collegiali Rome

2. August 17.00-19.00, CU001 Rettorato, Aula Organi Collegiali: Ruth Edith Hagengruber: Adding Voices to the Philosophy Curriculum. The talk is part of an invited session hosted by Floris Velema. Teaching […]

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