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22 June 2023

New Voices Summer Term 23 Talk Series on Phenomenology and Metaphysics: Julia Zaenker

| 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM | Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Abstract: Gerda Walther’s work in phenomenology is often presented in light of the metaphysical struggles of its founding fathers, namely Pfänder’s realistic phenomenology, Husserl’s transcendental turn and Heideggerian ontology. Instead, I want to revisit Walther’s phenomenological approach to social ontology by reflecting on the relation between metaphysics and feminist phenomenology. To do this, I bring her into dialogue with Iris Marion Young’s careful perspective on the contemporary reality of political activism. My analysis juxtaposes Walther’s description of the reflective, self-referential nature of communities with Young’s suggestion to think about gender as a serial collective. I argue that this points towards a possible meaning of Walther’s “realist” commitments that invites us to read and apply her work beyond the standard interpretative paradigms.

Biography: Julia Zaenker is a PhD fellow at the Center fo Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen. She is interested in themes from “classical” phenomenology, broadly construed, and contemporary developments in phenomenology (critical phenomenology, 4E-approaches, applied phenomenology).

This online talk will be held on Zoom. I hope many of you will be able to join us for an interesting talk and a friendly and engaged discussion!  Please register (no registration fees) here: phenomenology@historyofwomenphilosophers.org


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