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17 - 20 June 2019

I. International Conference Women in Modern Philosophy

| all-day | Katarina Ribeiro Peixoto, Pedro Pricladnitzky

The First International Conference on Women of Modern Philosophy will be held in Rio de Janeiro, 17th to 20th June 2019).

Rio de Janeiro is a national center of Early Modern Philosophy. All Brazilian researchers who confirmed participation in the meeting are heirs of that school of reading the history of philosophy with a method of conceptual analysis, with deep respect to the letter of the historical text. It will be a joyous occasion for the beginning of an exchange and network on Early Moderh Philosophy’s research with an eye to the rewriting of the philosophical canon.

The meeting is already on its preliminary arrangements. Works on the thoughts of Elisabeth of Bohemia, Margareth Cavendish, Catharine Trotter Cockburn, The two “Sophies”, Cristina of Sweden, Anne Conway, Émilie Du Châtelet, among other women, are expected.

Keynote speakers:

Ruth Hagengruber – Paderborn University
Marilena Chauí – Universiy of São Paulo
Lisa Shapiro – Simon Fraser University
Ulysses Pinheiro – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Sabrina Ebbersmeyer – University of Copenhagen
Lia Levy – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Sarah Hutton – York University
Dr. Christine Lopes – Independent Scholar (PhD BBK, London)


Katarina Ribeiro Peixoto (UERJ/CNPq)
Pedro Pricladnitzky (UEM)

Scientific Commitee:
Dr. Edgar Marques – UERJ
Dr. Lia Levy – UFRGS
Dr. Nastassja Pugliese – UFRJ
Dr. Tessa Moura Lacerda – USP
Dr. Ulysses Pinheiro – UFRJ
Dr. Maria Isabel Limongi – UFPR



17 - 20 June 2019



Rio de Janeiro State University
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