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22 February 2020

Harvard History of Philosophy Workshop Emilie Du Châtelet

Workshop | all-day |

One Day Workshop on the Philosophy of Émilie du Châtelet

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Robbins Library, Second Floor Emerson Hall

9:30 – 10:00: Coffee and Welcome

10:00 – 11:30: Ruth Hagengruber (Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn, Germany), “Emilie Du Châtelet between Leibniz and Kant: Eberhard’s reference to Du Châtelet and the Transcendental Turn,” comments by Katherine Brading (Duke).

11:45 – 12:15: Clara Carus (Harvard), “The underlying principles of Du Châtelet’s Institutions de Physique – bridging Empiricism and Rationalism,” comments by Andrew Janiak (Duke).

12:15 – 1:15: Catered lunch in the Philosopher’s Lounge*

1:30 – 3:00: Marius Stan (Boston College), “Newtonianism and the physics of Institutions de physique,” comments by Alison Peterman (University of Rochester)

3:15-4:45: Anne-Lise Rey (Paris Nanterre, France), “‘Hypotheses fingo’. Certainty and Imagination in Du Châtelet’s Institutions de Physique,” comments by Colin Chamberlain (Temple)

Please note: The format of the workshop will be read ahead. Please email Jeff McDonough (jkmcdon@fas.harvard.edu) or Clara Carus (claracarus@fas.harvard.edu) for access to the workshop papers.

* Lunch will be on the third floor of Emerson Hall in the “Philosopher’s Lounge.” All are welcome to attend the catered lunch, but please let us know if you are coming by February 7 so that we can order enough food  for everyone.

22 February 2020



Harvard University, Robbins Library
MA 02138
Cambridge (Massachusetts), MA United States
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