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30 - 31 May 2018

Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy

Conference | 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM |

Note that although this is a general Early Modern conference, 5 out of the 13 papers are about women philosophers! Correct me if I’m wrong, but this might be a first. Papers on Conway, Grouchy, Chatelet (2), and Avila.
Thank you Chris Meyns and Andrea Sangiacomo for organizing this!

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dutch-seminar-for-early-modern-philosophy-v-dsemp18-tickets-44126847589

Wednesday 30 May

8:30 am     Arrival
9:00 am     Opening9:05 am     Keynote: Karin de Boer (KU Leuven): Kant’s Inquiries into a New Touchstone for Metaphysical Truth10:30 am     Coffee10:45 am     Adam Harmer (University of California, Riverside): Anthony Collins on Texture and Structural Emergence11:30 am     Botond Csuka (Eötvös Loránd University): “Gentle” and “Gross” Exercises: Aesthetic Experience and Well-Being in Addison’s Essays12:15 pm     Alan Nelson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): Locke on Ideas of Reflection, Inner Sense, and the Historical Plain Method1:00 pm     Lunch break

2:30 pm     Nathan Porter (University of Utah): Spinoza’s Theodicy (via Skype)

3:00 pm     Nastassja Pugliese (University of São Paulo): Substance and Individuation in Anne Conway as a Critique to Spinoza

3:45 pm     Anna Markwart (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń): Sophie de Grouchy and Adam Smith: Education for Sympathy

4:30 pm     Tea

4:45 pm     Stephen Evensen (Biola University): Reading Kant Through Grotius: Is the Categorical Imperative Substantive or Procedural?

5:30 pm     Stephen Howard (KU Leuven): Physical and Psychological Forces in Wolff, Baumgarten, and Kant

Thursday 31 May 2018

8:30 am     Doors open

9:00 am     Iulia Mihai (Ghent University): Du Châtelet on the Principle of Continuity, Change and Process

9:45 am     Scott Harkema (Ohio State University): On the Role of Illusion in Du Chatelet’s Theory of Happiness

10:30 am     Coffee

10:45 am     Boris Demarest (University of Amsterdam): Soul as Nature: the Naturalist Animism of Van Helmont and Stahl

11:30 am     Keynote: Christia Mercer (Columbia University): Descartes’ Demons and Debts, or Why We Should Work on Women in the History of Philosophy

1:00 pm     End

Attendance is free and all are welcome, especially students.

30 - 31 May 2018

8:30 AM - 1:00 PM


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