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17 - 19 May 2018

Women in Philosophy: Past, Present and Future

Conference | all-day | SWIP-Ireland

True it is, Spinning with the Fingers is more proper to our Sexe, then studying or writing Poetry, which is the Spinning with the braine: but I having no skill in the Art of the first (and if I had, I had no hopes of gaining so much as to make me a Garment to keep me from the cold) made me delight in the latter – Margaret Cavendish

Though academic philosophy is still a male-dominated discipline, and the canon of philosophy is largely male, the future of philosophy promises to be less so. After years of scholarly neglect, the contribution of a large number of women philosophers across the ages is now being recognised – from medieval mystics to Enlightenment philosophers of science to founding mothers of analytic philosophy and phenomenology. At the same time, broad consensus is afoot that certain disciplinary norms, once-entrenched, no longer serve our discipline and have contributed to the attrition of female talent from philosophy.

This SWIP-Ireland conference, in collaboration with In Parenthesis, invites papers on the broad topic of Women in Philosophy: Past, Present and Future. The occasion of the workshop is the centenary of a paper published in Mind by the Irish philosopher and prominent librarian, Agnes Cuming. The conference welcomes contributions relevant to the general theme of the role of women in philosophy. Papers from all approaches and traditions in philosophy including submissions on neglected historical figures, reports of archival visits, as well as reflection on methodological practice and on visions for philosophy in the future are encouraged. Papers from graduate students and philosophers working outside academia are also welcome. Presentations and panels related to any aspect of the ​work of the keynote speakers are also welcome.


Keynote speakers:           

Eileen Brennan (Dublin City University)

Nancy Cartwright (Durham University)

Siobhan Chapman (University of Liverpool)

Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University)

Sally Haslanger (MIT)

Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (University of Iceland)


Call for Abstracts (Deadline: March 1, 2018)

Registration (Deadline: May 14, 2018, 9:00am IST)

17 - 19 May 2018



University College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland
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