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24 - 26 November 2017

Culture of Exclusion? 5th Edition: Women

Conference | all-day | Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Krakow

In the fifth (and the first international) edition of our „Culture of Exclusion” conference program we want to examine the situation of women.
On the one hand, women in Western societies have gained the rights to equality. However, a question about the actual implementation of these rights emerges. Is really the role of women equal to the role of men? Do they really earn the same? Or maybe they still have to choose between career and family? Are women still objects of sexist remarks or is their sexuality commonly respected?

On the other hand, in many regions of the world women are objectified and subordinated to men. Nevertheless, there are also feminists in those regions. So are the human rights really for all humans or not?

Half of the mankind is constituted by women, often marginalized, often mocked and ridiculed, „too old”, „too fat”, „too dumb”, „too emotional”. Our discussion of the exclusion will analyze these stereotypes resulting in the lack of actual equality and the approval of a gender-conditioned physical and psychological violence. It will also aim at showing the power of women and their ever important contribution in shaping cultures and societies.

24 - 26 November 2017



Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Gołębia 24
Kraków 31-007, Poland
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