
Below you can find the actual version of the Program for the conference Voices from Ukraine – Women Philosophers and Scientists Against War and Ecocide. Please note that this program still can change!

Friday, 27.10.2023

Room L3 204

9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:45 Welcome

Prof. Dr. Birgitt Riegraf,  President University of Paderborn

Prof. Dr. Valerii Miasoiedov, Vice-Rector for Research at Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Her Excellence Iryna Shum, General Consul of Ukraine in Düsseldorf, Germany

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Meister, Vice Dean of the Faculty for Arts and Humanities at University of Paderborn

Elke Ferner, Former Parliamentary State Secretary, President, UN Women Nationales Komitee Deutschland e.V.

Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, Alexander-von-Humboldt Fundation, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Christoph Lumer, Welcome on behalf of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Ruth Edith Hagengruber, Director of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists at University of Paderborn.

Prof. Dr. Kateryna Karpenko, Director of the Center for Gender Education at Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine; Researcher, Professor of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists at University of Paderborn.

10:45-11:15 Keynote speech:

Prof. Dr. Tetiana Gardashuk, a leading scientific researcher and the head of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Science, H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

“Feministic Dimension of Ecocide and Women’s Role in Environmental Peacebuilding”

11:15-11:40 Darya Tsymbaluk, recipient of the Early Career Fellowship «Inclusion, Participation and Engagement” at the School of Advanced Studies, University of London:

“The vulnerable shimmering of steppe centaurea “

11:40-11:50 Coffee Break
  Session 1
11:50-12:15 Iryna Zamuruieva, Independent Ukrainian artist and cultural geographer, ecofeminist. Currently, Iryna works on climate adaptation and regional climate policy projects and explores transformative creative practices (with the organization Sniffer in Scotland):

“Resisting Ukrainian ecocide through ecofeminism”

12:15-12:40 Dr. Tetiana Perga, PhD (History), leading researcher, State Institution “Institute of World History of National Academy of Science of Ukraine”, Ukraine:

War and violence against nature: the image of the Ukrainian military in stories for adults and fairy tales for children, 2022-2023”.


12:40-13:05 Prof. Dr. Valeria Korablyova, Head of the Research Centre “Ukraine in a Changing Europe”, Institute of International Studies, Charles University (Czech Republic) “Comprehending Ukrainian resilience: Phronesis and the Banality of Goodness.” (Online)
13:05-14:30 Lunch Break Room L2 201
14:30-15:00 Musical interlude by Olena Slobodyska, vocalist, musician, graduate student of Vinnytsia Pedagogical University (Ukraine). Volunteer UA Help, Siegen (Germany)

Group Photo

15:00-17:00 Keynote speech:

Oksana Zabuzhko, an outstanding Ukrainian writer and philosopher. The emergence of modern Ukrainian literature on the world stage is associated with her name. After the publication of her novel Field Work in Ukrainian Sex (1996), which in 2006 was named “the most influential Ukrainian book for the 15 years of independence”, she has been living as a free-lance author.

Zabuzhko’s books have been translated into Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish.

Among her numerous acknowledgements are MacArthur Grant (2002), Antonovych International Foundation Prize (2008), the Ukrainian National Award the Order of Princess Olha (2009), Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine (2019), the French National Order of the Legion of Honor (2023) and many other national and international awards.

Her opus magnum, The Museum of Abandoned Secrets (2010), won Angelus Central European Literary Prize for the best novel of Eastern and Central Europe (2013), and her collection of stories Your Ad Could Go Here (2017) was listed by the New York Times among “100 best books from around the world coming out in English in 2020”.

Creative event, Presentation of the book «The longest journey», written during the full-scale aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

Q&A, Discussion.

17:00-17:30 Keynote speech:

Prof. Dr. Cynthia R. Nielsen, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dallas (USA). “Ecocide and Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine.” (Online)

17:30-18:00 Roundtable & Open Discussion: Oksana Zabuzhko, Cynthia Nielsen, Reinhold Schmücker, Tetiana Gardashuk, Kateryna Karpenko, Ruth E. Hagengruber
19:30 Conference Dinner



Saturday, 28.10.2023

Room L3 204

  Session 2
9:30-9:55 Prof. Dr. Angela Boyko, Head of the Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Cherkasy State Technological University, Ukraine:

“The specificity of identification practices in the conditions of war and ecocide”

9:55-10:20 Prof. Dr. Inna Golubovich, Head of the Department Philosophy of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Ukraine &

Prof. Dr. Farida Tikhomirov, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Ukraine:

“Ecocide and urbicide in contemporary feminist studies”

10:20-10:45 Prof. Dr. Olga Ryabchenko, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University / Visiting academic University of Cambridge (the Faculty of History and Jesus College), UK:

“Nature and environmental crimes of Russia in memes of Ukrainian social networks”

10:45-11:10 Prof. Dr. Iryna Utiuzh, Head of the Department of Social Sciences, Zaporizhia State Medical University, Zaporizhia, Ukraine:

“Psychoanalytic approach to understanding the phenomenon of war and ecocide”

11:10-11:25 Coffee Break
  Session 3
11:25-11:50 Prof. Dr. Mariya Shcherbyna, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Cultural Studies, and Information Activities at V. Dahl’s East Ukrainian National University in Ukraine & the Politecnico di Torino Academy of Sciences Fellow, Italy:

“Ukrainian Women’s Role in Ecocide Resistance: Volunteering and Pet Rescue Amid Russia-Ukrainian War”






Prof. Dr. Oksana Nakonechna, Head of the Department of Biochemistry, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine (online):

“Biochemical contamination of the soil during the war and the fight against its consequences”

Prof. Dr. Tentyana Chumachenko, Head of the Department of Epidemiology, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine (online):

“Epidemic Threats of Ecocide”

12:20-12:35 Prof. Dr. Natalia Martynenko, Associate Professor, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine (online):

“Ecocide in Wartimes: Historical Contexts”

12:35-13:00 Prof. Natalya Petlyuchenko, Professor at the A.V. Nezhdanova Odessa National Academy of Music, Ukraine:

„Das Charisma ukrainischer Frauen in Politik und Kunst vor und nach dem 24. Februar 2022.”

13:00-13:20 Mariya Fidrovska, Assistant Lecturer, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine (online):

“The Woman Who Remained/Did Not Remain Herself: The Religious Aspect of War and Ecocide”

13:20-14:20 Lunch Break Room L2 201































 Round table:

 “Post-war tasks of overcoming the consequences of Ecocide”


Dr. Tetiana Havlin, University Siegen, Germany:

Earth and Re-Birth: Resilience, Recovery, and Responsibility in the Wake of War.”       


Prof. Dr. Natalia O. Rynhach, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine:

“Demography and war”


Prof. Dr. Viktoriia Sychova & Prof. Dr. Larysa Khyzhniak, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine:

“Sexual violence against Ukrainian women as a Russian tactic during the war”


Prof. Dr. Svetlana Kutsepal, Poltava branch of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine (online):

“Transformation of the image of a woman in wartime conditions: environmental context.”


Olena Slobodyska, a Teacher of the Department of Vocal and Choral Training, Theory, and Methods of Music Education at Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University:

“Formation of socio-cultural competence of future music teachers in the conditions of war”


Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Volodymyr Abashnik, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine*(online):

“Ricarda Octavia Huch (1864–1947): a German Woman Philosopher and Writer against the war”


Prof. Dr. Olena Dobrovolska, Dnipro State University, Ukraine, Visiting Professor at the University of Applied Sciences, HTW Dresden, Germany:

“Economic and Political Aspects of Ecocide”


Volodymyr Abashnik, Oleg Marushenko, Volodymyr Deyneka, Yaroslav Moskvin, Oleksandr Chernukha, Alla Rogova & Oleksiy Trotsenko, Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine – Respondents


16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16.15-16.40 Dr. Pina Piccolo, Ph.D. Italian Literature, independent scholar, poet, editor of the online journal The Dreaming Machine, University of California at Berkeley, USA (online):

“The multilayered, inconvenient truth of ecocide in Ukraine: using an ecofeminist lens to plumb the poetry of Ukrainian female poets”



Branislava Petrov is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at The University of Novi Sad, Serbia, a feminist activist:

“Feminist Perspective on The Herbert Marcuse’s Concept of the “Logic Domination” in the light of the Current War Crisis”

17:05-18:00 Closing the conference. Networking


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