Video Summer School: Mary Wollstonecraft

We are continuing our Video Summer School with Mary Wollstonecraft! To get right into it, watch a short Conversations with Diotima with Sandrine Berges and Ruth Hagengruber on Mary  Wollstonecraft. Here you get a glimpse of the important aspects on Mary Wollstonecraft.

If you want to get to know more on her biography you can check out our Directory.





We continue this session with two talks on Mary Wollstonecrafts pedagogy. Get to know her thoughts and try to reflect our current educational system. What would change with the ideas of Mary Wollstonecraft?

The first video ist by Sarah Bonfim during the second New Voices Talk Series. Her talk deals with the The Vindicatory Pedagogical Works of Mary Wollstonecraft. 

After the input on Mary Wollstonecrafts works, get a specific insight on Mary Wollstonecrafts thoughts on Education and Home by Luana Goulart at the New Voices Conference:

Luana Goulart – Education and Home

This already concludes this weeks session. We hope you were able to get to know new thoughts and ideas! For more information you can always visit our Sight and Sound page, Directory and our ECC. We wish you a lot of fun studying!

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