I Colóquio Émilie: Filosofia, contexto, tradução 2023 at the UFSM in Santa Maria, Brazil


From 3 to 7 July 2023, the first Latin American colloqium “Colóquio Émilie: Filosofia, contexto, tradução”, organized by Mitieli Seixas Da Silva and the Translation and Research Group Émilie, will be hosted at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria in Santa Maria, Brazil.





The following speakers will contribute to to colloquium:
Abel Lassale Casanave (UFBA)
Carlota Ibertis (UFBA)
Eduardo Ruttke con Saltiél (UFSM)
Mitieli Seixas Da Silva (UFSM)
Patricia Sita (UEM)
Pedro Paulo Pimenta (USP)
Silvia Manzo (Universidad Nacional de Plata Argentina)






Part of the colloquium is the Translation School from 4 to 7 July 2023. The Translation School will be under the guidance of Katarina Ribeiro Peixoto (USP), Marco Aurélio O. da Silva  (UFBA), Pedro Pricladnitzky (UNIOESTE), Priscilla Tesch Spinelli (UFRGS).









The Center for the History of Women Philosophers, directed by Ruth E. Hagengruber, proudly presents this cooperation.



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