Call for Submissions: Special issue: “Staël and Philosophy”

There is a call for submissions for the journal Cahiers Staëliens n°73 as special issue: “Staël and Philosophy” by Johanna Lenne-Cornuez and Charlotte Sabourin.

Proposals – a tentative title, an abstract (max. 300 words), as well as a mini-bio (max. 150 mots) in English or in French – should be sent by December 15th, 2022, to Charlotte Sabourin and Johanna Lenne-Cornuez at the following address:
in a single document titled: name_first name_CS73_proposal.pdf

Selected articles (max. 50,000 characters) should be sent to the same address by May 15th, 2023. They will be submitted to a double-blind review process by the journal’s editorial board. Final versions of the articles should be submitted by June 30th, 2023. The special issue will
then be published in Fall 2023 by Classiques Garnier and will be available on the Edinum website.

Find out more here.

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