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17 October 2017

Hannah Arendt – Herausforderungen der Pluralität

Colloquium, Workshop | 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

Hannah Arendt – Challenges of Plurality is the first workshop of the Research Colloquium: History of Women Philosophers at the Center in the winter term 2017/18.

The human condition of plurality cuts through all layers of Hannah Arendt’s political theory. On the existential level, it radically differentiates every human being from everyone who lives, ever lived or will ever live on Earth. Political implications of such – seemingly banal – assumption are vital. Used to operating with clichés, simplifications and impressed by neuroscientific models, we often forget that human action is ultimately unpredictable.

What role do group identities play in political action? What is the importance of the interplay of equality and difference in the context of political plurality? What measures can be taken to deal with challenges of plurality in our political communities?

We will address these questions throughout the workshop.



Prof. Dr. Tobias Matzner – “Hannah Arendt über Identitätspolitik (Reflecting identity politics with Hannah Arendt)”

Dr. Maria Robaszkiewicz – “Hannah Arendts Konzept des politischen Denkens angesichts aktueller Migrations-Diskurse (Hannah Arendt’s Concept of Political Thinking in the Light of Current Migration Debates)”


17 October 2017

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Warburger Str. 100
Paderborn, 33098
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