Hope Sample - New Voices Research Profile

My main research program covers the history of the philosophy of time and the metaphysics of agency in the early modern period, with a primary focus on Immanuel Kant and Anne Conway. Attention to the practical considerations that underlie theorizing about time in the early modern period provides an interesting vantage point from which to evaluate theories of time, whether past or present. And reflection on Kant and Conway’s contributions reveals some intriguing options for the development of a value-driven metaphysics of time. In addition, I have research interests in Kantian ethics and environmental ethics. Finally, I have a project in comparative philosophy with Dr. Hwa Yeong Wang, who works on Im Yunjidang and Gang Jeongildang.

Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/hope-sample/home

Contact: hopesample33@gmail.com

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