Reading group: Susanna Newcome’s Enquiry into the Evidence of the Christian Religion

Reading group: Susanna Newcome’s Enquiry into the Evidence of the Christian Religion

The Early Modern ‘free-thinking’ reading group will begin reading Enquiry into the Evidence of the Christian Religion (1728, revised 1732) next Tuesday (Jan 18th).

Meetings are Tuesday evenings at 7.15PM GMT/ 8.15PM Central European Time (we hope that these times are friendly to those outside of Europe who would like to join too). Any and all are welcome to join – Newcome’s /Enquiry /is relatively short (around 160 pages) and she seems like a fascinating thinker who has received very little attention (she may, as Patrick Connolly argued, be the first utilitarian).

If interested, please email either Peter West ( or Manuel Fasko (

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