SWIP Austria – Solidarity and Resistance – a Philosophical Approach
The Society for Women in Philosophy is hosting an international Symposium on Solidarity and Resistance on the 5th and 6th of November. Solidarity as “connected with”: With whom and against what? In what sense could solidarity and resistance should be viewed as a duty to oneself? There are different aspects of solidarity: universal solidarity, which includes all people because they are human beings (human rights), excludes no one and applies unconditionally; also more limited conceptions, related to a specific group(-identity), whereby it easily becomes clear that the theme of identity and belonging cannot be avoided. Solidarity as “being committed to one another”: But who belongs to this “for each other”? Are all people included, or merely one’s own gender, ethnicity, class, political group and ideological identity? All others, who don’t fit into “my / a definition” of “we” would be marginalized and excluded. Solidarity of worldview and actions.
We are happy to announce that Dr. Maria Robaszkiewicz will hold a talk on the 5th November at 5pm on “You will never walk alone.” Toward Critical Phenomenologies of the Feminist Street Protest. She is an affiliated researcher at the Center for HWPS and the current coordinator of the ECC.
If you want to know more one the event click here.
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