If you want to watch her talk on Chiasmic Identities and Femicide in Latin America click here.
Cintia Martinez Velasco offers classes at Philosophy Department at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The main topics of her research are the metaphysics of sex and gender, feminist philosophy and decolonial philosophy, and Latin American philosophy, with a particular focus on the work of Enrique Dussel with whom she undertook her doctoral studies.
In her talk she presented some representative discussions of the recent feminist theoretical movement in Latin America. Her work could be considered as one more position within several theoretical answers about the violence of this type. She developed what she calls chiasmic identities, which is an ontological position. She also included the topic of femicides.
Her proposal is that thinking about social identities from the chiasmus (Merleau-Ponty, 2010) helps to recognize those homicides where the sexuality of the body is essential to account for the crime.
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