Natalia Andrea Lerussi New Voices Research Profile

PhD in Philosophy at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), she is now Assistant Professor in Modern Philosophy (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Her main area of competence has been classical German philosophy, specially Kant´s philosophy of history and anthropology. She has made several research-stays in Germany (Universität zu Köln, Humboldt Universität, Ruhr Universität Bochum). She has recently published: Kant y las razas (“Kant on Races”, Translation into Spanish of Kant´s opuscules on Races with an Epilogue of Georg Forster discussion of Kant´s racial conception and a wide Introduction, ADABA, Spain, 2021); Las humanides y el presente (“Humanities and the Present”, it is a co-edition book of many articles on the topic, UNGS, Buenos Aires, 2021); “On Kant’s Concept of an Intuitive Understanding and its Articulation in Hegel’s Objective Thought” (co-author with my colleague Sandra Palermo,  Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 2021). Nowadays she works on genders and races constitution in XVIII century´s philosophy. Her main current theoretical frameworks and interests are the history of modern times women political philosophers, feminism, decolonial thought and ecology. She is an editorial member of the review Ideas. Revista de filosofía moderna y contemporánea (


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