Valentina Riolo New Voices Research Profile

Valentina Riolo (Crotone, Italy, 1995) completed her Master’s degree in Philosophy at Roma Tre University with a thesis entitled “Critica della misura neoliberale e nuove prospettive. Contro l’economia dei comportamenti” (“Critique of the neoliberal measure and new perspectives. Against the economy of behaviors “), after studying with Erasmus Program in Berlin (Freie Universität) and in Paris (Université ParisSorbonne). Her field of interest is political philosophy, with particular attention to the contemporary period. Her current study is focused on precarity (distinct from precariousness, as Judith Butler argues) and social justice, starting from a feminist approach. In particular, what connects these themes is that precarity derives from specific conditions and is the political result of the choices through which society decides to organize itself, establishing what to value and what to hinder, which form of life is indispensable and which dispensable. Social justice needs to be rethought starting from feminist economics studies, which reflect on the material conditions of life and try not to reproduce on other groups the inequalities against which women have struggled. She has been collaborating with IAPh Italia (International Association of Philosophers) since 2015 and is attending and collaborating with the Master “Studi e politiche di genere” at Roma Tre University.

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