IAPh 2021 Vision Yuko Murakami

Yuko Murakami

Professor, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Science, Rikkyo University









  • Biography

    Academic appointments

    2020-current     Professor, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Science, Rikkyo University

    2019-2020        Advisor, President’s Office (Launching committee of the Graduate School of

    Artificial Intelligence) Rikkyo University

    2018-2020        Specially Appointed Professor, School of Science, Rikkyo University

    2013-2018        Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    2008-2013        Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University


    2005                 Ph.D. (Philosophy) Indiana University

    1994                 M.Sci. (History and Philosophy of Science) University of Tokyo

    1991                 B.A. (History and Philosophy of Science) University of Tokyo

    Grants and research projects

    2020-2028       Core technologies for trusted quality AI systems, JST-CREST, research area advisor

    2020-2023       Physical and statistical approach toward absolute dating of ancient and medieval castles in Anatolia, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for challenging exploratory research, Project member

    2019-2023       Literacy in a post-truth age. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for scientific research (A), Project member

    2018-2023       Toward a global standard of dignity as a philosophical concept. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for scientific research (S), Project member

    2016-2024       Human-Information Technology Ecosystem, JST-RISTEX,  research area advisor

    2016-2019       Updating the concept of morality based on science. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for scientific research (B), Project member

    2016-2019       A study on the promotion of gender equaity and support for early career researchers in philosophy from theoretical and practical standpoints. JSPS Grant-in-Aid for scientific research (A), Project member

    2015-2018       Singularity and logic of responsibilities Grant-in-Aid for scientific research (C)  Principal Investigator

    Awards and Honers

    2019    Best paper award, AEDEM XXVIII

    2017    Best paper award, Symposium on Information Education, Information Processing Society of Japan

    2015    Best paper award and Yamashita memorial award, Information Processing Society of Japan

    Publications and talks in English


    Yuko Murakami, Philosophy and Higher Education in Japan. Tetsugaku 1, April 2018.

    Book Chapters

    Yuko Murakami and Manabu Sumida, in Michael Matthews (ed.) History and Philosophy of Science and Nature of Science Research in Japan: A Historical Overview. International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching, Springer, 2014.

    Yuko Murakami, Utilitarian Deontic Logic. Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 5. pp.211-230. Renate Schmidt, Ian Pratt-Hartmann, Mark Reynolds, and Heinrich Wansing (eds.), Kings College Publication. 2005.


    Yuko Murakami, Modal Logic of partitions.〔Doctoral dissertation〕 Indiana University, March 2005.

    Yuko Murakami, Non-normal relevant modal logic. Master’s thesis, University of Tokyo, March 1994.

    Invited talks

    Yuko Murakami, Yuko Murakami, Women in Philosophy in Japan. Libori Summer School, 2019, Paderborn University, 2019. (invited talk)

    Yuko Murakami, ICT Demands Conceptual Restructuring of Science,  Society for Social Studies of Science 2017, Boston

    Translations to Japanese

    1995     Palle Yourgrau “The Dead”

    2005     Robert Fogelin, Walking the tightrope of reason: the precarious life of a rational animal.

    2006     John W. Dawson, Logical Dilemmas: the life and work of Kurt Godel.

    2015    Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: The Enigma. Updated edition with a new preface.

    2020    Raymond Smullyan, Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems.



  • Contribution at the IAPh 2021 conference

    “Education” to obscure academic women in Japan
    In the intellectual history in modern Japan, women have been dwarfed in the position to be remembered by posterity as “educators,” whatever their specialty. Professionalism is completely ignored and only a life dedicated to girls’ education is celebrated. People who become experts are treated as second-rate. It’s “institutionalized mansplaining.”
    The most significant example: Tsuda Ume. She established Tsuda College and empower Japanese women through her life. She was one of the first five women, who were brilliant and carefully selected to study the Western culture in the United States. She was only five years old when she left Japan, and successfully graduated from the Bryn Mawr College in 1890.The college, however, just remarks on her as “become English teachers, to enlighten other Japanese women” not mentioning her academic area at all. In fact, she did not just study biology and education in the Bryn Mawr, but also published an academic article in biology: Morgan, T. H., and Ume Tsuda. “The orientation of the frog’s egg.” QJ Microsc Sci 35 (1894): 373-405.
    Another example is Yasui Tetsu. She studied philosophy in the United Kingdom, but also is remembered only as an educator

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