Marie Anna Deutschbein

*May 5, 1881 (Zwickau, Germany)
†June 20, 1971 (Bad Berleburg, Germany)

Marie Anna Deutschbein was the daughter of Dr. med. Franz Dautzenberg and his wife Fanny Dautzenberg, née Ebert. In June 1902, at the age of 21, she married Dr. Max Leo Ammon Deutschbein in Leipzig.  Since 1919 Max Deutschbein was university professor for English Language and Literature in Marburg a. L.. In 1912, Marie Anna Deutschbein began studying philosophy, mathematics, physics, history, modern languages and art history at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. While in the first semesters she attended a wide range of lectures in the subjects mentioned, from the winter semester 1915/16 onwards her studies concentrated on philosophy, mathematics and physics, the subjects in which she took her oral doctoral examinations on 29 July 1919.

Marie Anna Deutschbein received her doctorate on 12 January 1920 with the study Wahrscheinlichkeit und Induktion. The work was published in 1920. Her supervisors were Prof. Dr. Paul Menzer and Prof. Dr. Theodor Ziehen. Marie Anna Deutschbein remained scientifically active, although she neither taught at a university nor held an employment.

In 1929 her book Einführung in die philosophischen Grundlagen der Mathematik was published. Co-author was Dr. Walther Brand. A Spanish translation by R. Ledesma Ramos, entitled Introducción a la filosofia matemática, was published in Madrid in 1930 by Revista de Occidente. The book is divided into three chapters: “Mathematics and Logic” (Chapter 1), “The Development of the Concept of Numbers” (Chapter 2) and “Historical Development of Spatial Theories” (Chapter 3). At the end of each chapter, a careful and comprehensive bibliography is added. Particular relevance is assigned to the treatment of logic in its relationship to mathematics, which occupies a broad space.

Marie Anna Deutschbein died on 20.06.1971 in Bad Berleburg, where she had moved in the mid-sixties.


Brand, W. and Deutschbein, M. (1929). Einführung in die philosophischen Grundlagen der Mathematik. Frankfurt a. M.: Diesterweg.

Brand, W. and Deutschbein, M. (1930). Introducción a la filosofia matemática, span. Übers. u. Anmerkungen v. R. Ledesma Ramos. Madrid: Revista de Occidente.

Deutschbein, M. (1920). Wahrscheinlichkeit und Induktion. Cöthen: Verlag von Otto Schulze (zugl. Diss., Halle).

Deutschbein, M. (1929). “Der philosophische Bildungswert der Mathematik.” Zeitschrift für Deutsche Bildung 5, 326–333.

Archival Records

Promotionsakte Marie Anna Deutschbein. Archiv der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg UA Halle, Rep. 21, Nr. 662.

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